Thursday, October 17, 2019

Our Survival in the Desert Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Our Survival in the Desert - Coursework Example My father, Harris, is an experience truck driver, who has been delivering goods, in the remote areas, as per the instructions of his transport company. On arrival of our father, we all discussed with him about our plan to go on an adventure trip, in his truck. He readily agreed, as he had accumulated number of off-days, which he could utilize for going on vacation. The next point was to decide on the area, which we could explore as part of our travel plan. As he was familiar with high deserts of Northern Nevada, we all decided to explore that region. My father had no hesitation in doing so, as he was confident of finding his way in this desert. Fortunately, his vehicle had white color paint on the outside, as same could not absorb much heat, in the hot and dry areas, where temperatures ran high. This also saved engine from getting overheated. As part of our preparations, my father carried his fully loaded gun and the ham radio equipment, while he informed us that cell phones do not w ork in most of these places and amateur radio is dependable, comparatively. Water was the most precious commodity which we had to carry for survival in the desert. My father loaded the truck with necessary supplies and a pistol, apart from the gun. We all sat in the truck and it rolled out in the eastern direction, going away from the civilization. We could smell the freshness of air, as we kept heading towards the desert. The hot wind was blowing at high speed and the scorching sun stood over our heads. We could not afford to get out of the truck, in such condition. However, the track on which my father was driving seemed to have vanished with sand and dust, seen everywhere. This made me to rush out and look in all directions for any clue to find the right track. My father had specifically asked me to carry the map of this desert, so that we could understand area topography. Holding the map in my hands, I tried to unfold it and read the same. At this time, a strong gush of hot wind took away my precious possession and I stood horrified for a moment. My father tried to look around for the map, but it could not be seen anywhere. Perhaps, it got buried under the sand tunes, which kept on forming in different shapes, at fast speed, with the help of strong desert winds. The anxiety and fear of getting lost made us thirstier and we decided to consume some of the water, which we had with us. We could not help to have full water intake as thirst overcame us, at that moment. Looking around, the desert was same in all directions. Therefore, my father decided to walk around in search of a track, which can lead us to anywhere. We all followed him. Although we wanted to go on an adventure that involved excitement, I had never thought of any such expedition, which could make us really fearful. My mother started praying to god. Walking aimlessly, we could feel the arrival of evening and night, as sun started setting. This helped us in knowing the eastern and western directi on. But having no paper with me, I could not make a map, with reference to that point where we saw the sun setting. A little later, we could not afford to walk further, as darkness covered whole desert. We had the hot sand as our bedding, which became cooler with the passage of night. Fear and anxiety could not let us sleep, while we waited for the morning light to appear. Meanwhile, my father tried to send message through the radio equipment, but he did not find any signal and this hope also seemed getting lost. The worst thing to happen was not anticipated by any of us. However, we did experience the real shock, as a cobra snake crawled towards me and was

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